Nanogirl's weekend tidbits~

From: Gina Miller (
Date: Sun Sep 12 1999 - 14:08:59 MDT

Nanogirl's weekend tidbits~in conjunction with my anticipation for better
news this week!!

*ONR-supported researchers Deborah Jin of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology and Brian DeMarco of the University of Colorado at
Boulder and JILA -- a joint research institute of NIST and CU -- report in
today's issue of Science the achievement of the first Fermi degenerate gas
of atoms. In such a gas the atoms behave like waves.

*Packages labeled as the beef of cloned cows have gone on sale in Japan.
However, the Japanese government has been selling such beef, unlabeled,
for a couple of years.

*"Sun-glasses" in the Eye. Glutamate Receptor in the Terminals of the
Photoreceptor Cells Discovered / Area for Light Signal Transmission.

*Flying spaceballs are on their way. — Imagine R2-D2 as a free-flying
electronic softball, looking over Luke Skywalker’s shoulder. That’s the
emerging picture of the robotic helpers for 21st-century space missions.

*(BBC) If the current spate of molecular motors being constructed by
scientists is anything to go by then we can expect interesting things from
the emerging science of nanotechnology.

*Genetics interactive/MSNBC

*Toxic pollen from widely planted, genetically modified corn can kill
monarch butterflies, Cornell study shows.
Cornell News Service release on the Losey study:
The Hansen/Obrycki study:

*Scientists find genetic links for deadly type of breast cancer.

*When John Fagan, a respected molecular biologist, returned a $614,000
government grant for genetic research, he stunned the scientific world.
Faced with work he could no longer justify, Fagan decided to speak out about
the hazards he saw in bio-engineered food. The concerns of Fagan and a
growing number of consumers have fueled a debate about a technological
revolution with billions of dollars, the future of corporations and
international trade relations at stake.

*A Trojan Horse masquerading as a .jpeg file has been circulating around the
net for some time. It has effected at least 200 of AOL's 40 million
customers. Details of the attack are scarce but the file somehow steals ICQ

*The International Association for Counterterrorism & Security Professionals
(IACSP) site has been cracked. (I believe it to be the second time this
Original site:
Page cracked: (Brought to you by HNN)

from the above
This has absolutely nothing to do with Java, but it may be one of
the most important things I've ever posted here. Friday Governor
George W. Bush of Texas posted complete records of his campaign
contributions on his web site. However, he posted them in PDF format
so they couldn't be imported into a database or a spreadsheet, and
consequently reporters and voters couldn't find out just how much of
his money was coming from whom. Or at least that's what he thought.
I am pleased to announce, that after a few hours of intense hacking
I have succeeded in extracting the crucial information from the PDF
files and have posted them online in tab delimited format for
anybody who wants them. Accountants, start your spread sheets! (fwd)

*New computer gadgets promise to deliver the future now. Click here to see a
slide show of the latest in techno-wizardry. (S.F. Examiner)

*Sandia, General Atomics unveil new fine resolution synthetic-aperture radar

*Version 2.1 of the Marvin Java applets for drawing and displaying
chemical structures in HTML pages is released and can now be tried and
downloaded at
A new paper showing features is at

*Experiments illuminate workings of biological clocks
HHMI researchers have discovered a critical mechanism by which light resets
the biological clock in flies. This finding could lead to new treatments for
jet lag and improved therapies for mood and sleep disorders.

*(Seattle times interactive-hey, that's where I live!)The Year 2000 Look
ahead to the next millennium and look back at this one.

*A team of statisticians is debunking the controversial "Bible code," which
claims the Old Testament has hidden references to 20th century events that
can be revealed by a computer.

*New Biological Database Seeks Out Products of Alternative Gene Splicing. In
its first half year of operation, a new database that identifies clusters of
proteins arising from alternative gene splicing has received more than
35,000 requests from researchers in genetics and cell and developmental
biology around the world.

*A simple blood test performed soon after a mild head injury may spot brain
damage, even when imaging scans are normal, German researchers report.,IHW|~st,333|~r,WS
IHW000|~b,*| (This url may have to be pasted as opposed to clicked-sorry)

*Differences In Human Brain Chemistry May Account For Different Responses To
Scientists have discovered a mechanism that appears to account for the
different levels of euphoria people experience when taking a stimulant drug,
according to a new study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse
(NIDA) and the U.S. Department of Energy.

*Culture system expands human hematopoietic stem cells
WESTPORT, Sep 10 (Reuters Health) - Using a stromal-based in vitro culture
expansion system that they developed, US scientists report the successful
long-term ex vivo maintenance and expansion of human hematopoietic stem
cells suitable for transplantation. Dr. Chu-Chih Shih from the City of Hope
National Medical Center in Duarte, California, and colleagues there and at
Amgen Inc., in Thousand Oaks, describe their achievement in the September
1st issue of the journal Blood. The researchers cultured CD34+ thy-1+ cells
on an established monolayer of murine stromal cells, AC6.21, with leukemia
inhibitory factor (LIF), interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-6, granulocyte-macrophage
colony-stimulating factor and other cytokines. This produced a "...150-fold
expansion of cells retaining the CD34+ thy-1+ phenotype" after 5 weeks of
culturing. These cells were capable of differentiating into "...myeloid, T
and B cells, when transplanted into [severe combined immunodeficient-human]
SCID-hu mice," according to Dr. Shih's group. Dr. Shih and colleagues say
the fact that another hematopoietic stem cell candidate, CD34+ CD38- cells,
proliferate in a similar manner suggests that "...ex vivo expansion of
transplantable human stem cells under this in vitro culture system is a
general phenomenon and not just specific for CD34+ thy-1+ cells." Dr. Shih's
group hopes the culture system will provide a valuable tool for identifying
the factors involved in "...regulating the process of self-renewal,
proliferation, and differentiation in early hematopoietic development and
will have important implications for ex vivo stem cell expansion, gene
therapy and therapeutic transplantation."
Blood 1999;94:1623-1636.

*Nissin Food Products {2503} noted September 10 that it intends to stop
using genetically engineered US-grown soybeans. In so doing, it is joining
the likes of Kirin Brewery {2503} in shunning genetic technology out of
respect for consumer fears, but it is the first instant noodle manufacturer
to do so.

*Human Genome Sciences Announces Change in Board of Directors.
ROCKVILLE, Md., Sept. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- [ Human Genome Sciences, Inc. ]
(Nasdaq: HGSI) announced today that Robert A. Armitage has resigned his seat
on its Board of Directors. A member since 1995, Mr. Armitage will join [ Eli
Lilly and Company ] (NYSE: LLY) as vice president and general patent counsel
for Lilly Research Laboratories effective October 1.
William A. Haseltine, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Human
Genome Sciences, Inc., said, "We thank Bob for his years of wise counsel and
advice. He has been a true friend to our company. His advice and expertise
helped HGS to develop the strong patent position it enjoys today. We will
miss him and wish him well in his new position." Human Genome Sciences is a
company with the mission to develop products to predict, prevent, detect,
treat and cure disease based on its leadership in the discovery and
understanding of human and microbial genes. HGS and Human Genome Sciences
are registered trademarks of Human Genome Sciences, Inc. For additional
information on Human Genome Sciences, Inc., visit the company's Web site at Copies of HGS press releases are also available by fax 24
hours a day at no charge by calling 800-758-5804, ext. 121115. Any
statements released by Human Genome Sciences, Inc. that are forward looking
are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Editors and investors are cautioned that
forward looking statements involve risks and uncertainties which may affect
the company's business prospects and performance. These include economic,
competitive, governmental, technological and other factors discussed in the
company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission on forms 10-K,
10-Q and 8-K. SOURCE Human Genome Sciences, Inc.

* Scientist insists EU backs funding of GM food research
The Irish Times
The EU is not backing off from the funding of biotechnology research because
of the controversy surrounding genetically modified foods, according to an
Irish member of a key scientific advisory committee which approves GM
research projects. Contrary to claims - made mainly in British newspapers -
the committee met this week and approved additional funding for GM projects
under a (pounds) 1.9 billion five-year programme, said Dr Jim Ryan of
BioResearch Ireland. This increased funding, under what is known as the
Fifth Framework, reflected its belief in the importance of GM research, he
said. There was never any question of the EU being brow-beaten into backing
off from such work. The programme is one of the most important in Europe.
While it supports other areas of research, it has been funding major work on
genetic modification as it applies to pharmaceuticals, diagnostic techniques
and crop production. It is believed that the failure of many proposals to
get funding, because of intense competition, may have fuelled speculation
about cutbacks reflecting growing political and public concern over the
genetic engineering of plants. One application in eight is successful. Green
MEPs have stepped up their criticism of the new European Commission over
responsibility for GM foods. With speculation that the Irish
commissioner-designate, Mr David Byrne, will have ultimate responsibility,
Dublin MEP Ms Patricia McKenna said confusion was rife, with up to four
commissioners appearing to have a stake in GMO regulation. At hearings last
week the environment commissioner, Ms Margot Wallstrom, indicated that she
would have ultimate responsibility. But it was clear Mr Byrne had a
significant role to play, having responsibility for consumer protection. The
Greens are pushing for Ms Wallstrom. Ms McKenna said she "demonstrated a
much greater appreciation of the public concern that surrounds genetic
engineering and of the importance of precaution coming before trade." She
claimed Mr Byrne appeared to suggest that the precautionary principle was an
optional extra and not a guiding rule.

 *New DNA tests yield amazing finds (Bangor Daily News Bangor, ME)
In a February 1999 issue of Science News is a report that scientists have
been able to decipher the DNA of the deadly influenza virus that killed
millions around the time of World War I. The virus was obtained from the
lungs of patients who died during the 1918 epidemic. In March, the journal
Science had an article on the analysis of Y chromosome DNA in a number of
American Indians. The results suggest that up to 85 percent of American
Indian males can trace their lineage to a "Native American Adam" who lived
roughly 22,500 years ago. And now George Poinar Jr. reports in the latest
issue of American Scientist magazine that the famous "Iceman," discovered
frozen in the Italian Alps in 1991 and thought to be about 5,000 years old,
was of northern European extraction. Such studies, unthinkable 20 years ago,
are now commonplace thanks to the rapidly developing field of DNA analysis.
Comparing the similarity in the DNA of two individuals or species allows
biologists to determine the degree to which they are related. Also, by
knowing the rate of mutation in a particular DNA strand, comparisons of
ancient and modern DNA gives a measure of how far back in time they were
related or began to diverge from one another. But most scientists were
convinced that DNA degrades so rapidly that it would be useless to do the
extraction and sequencing process needed to make comparisons. Thus, Poinar
writes, a 1980 report on DNA analysis from a 2,000-year-old body in China
was all but completely ignored. More notice was taken of a 1983 analysis of
the pelt from the quagga, a zebra-like animal that became extinct in 1878.
DNA analysis was able to establish that the quagga was more closely related
to the modern zebra than to horses, thereby settling a long- standing
dispute. However, the DNA sample was only 140 years old so the question
still remained as to whether it would work on ancient samples. The
breakthrough came in 1985 when Kary Mullis of Cetus Corporation developed a
process called polymerase chain reaction. PCR can zero in on a single
molecule of DNA and amplify a millionfold or more. Now minute, previously
useless, fragments of material could be made to yield their genetic secrets.
The race to win the ancient DNA sweepstakes was on. In 1985 Svante Paabo, a
Swedish scientist, was able to analyze the DNA from a 2,400-year-old
Egyptian mummy. This achievement was dwarfed by records set in the 1990s,
writes Poinar. In 1991, a team from the [ University of California ] at
Riverside extracted and analyzed DNA from a 15 million-year-old magnolia
leaf. In 1992, Raul Cano led a group from the California Polytechnic State
University that extracted DNA from a bee trapped in amber and was estimated
to be between 20 million and 40 million years old. The same group set the
current record for ancient DNA when they extracted DNA from a 120- year-old
weevil also trapped in amber.
Besides the tool of PCR, scientists have found techniques that enhance their
work. They have learned that DNA bonded to hydroxyapatite, a compound in
bones and teeth, remains stable over long periods of time. The same is true
for DNA attached to sugars and a class of protein called histones.
Scientists can also get a feel for whether the DNA in an ancient sample has
degraded or not. There are two forms of the compound aspartic acid in
nature. In living tissue, the L-form is predominant, but, after death, it
gradually converts to the D-form. By looking at the ratio of the two forms,
they can gain an estimate of just how badly degraded the sample has become
before proceeding. Modern DNA analysis is grabbing its own share of the
headlines and is far easier to do. It assisted in the identification of
soldiers who died during Desert Storm. Last year the body in the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier from the Vietnam War was identified and sent home. The
Pentagon is considering taking DNA samples from all persons who enter the
military, thereby ensuring there will never be another "unknown soldier."
Law enforcement officials would like to see a national DNA data bank for
criminals comparable to the fingerprints currently available. In recent
years, DNA analysis has made possible the identification of Nazi war
criminals Josef Mengele and Martin Borman and the remains of Czar Nicholas
II and his family. Since 1996, a controversy has surrounded a 9,300-year-old
skeleton found in the state of Washington known as Kennewick man.
Reconstruction shows him to be strikingly Caucasian although American
Indians have laid claim to the remains. DNA analysis could be one way of
settling the origins of this mysterious traveler.

*'Smart' Mice Are Just Memorizing (The Salt Lake Tribune)
When a Princeton scientist last week claimed to have created "smart mice"
through the magic of genetic engineering, some other scientists recoiled at
what they saw as a misleading and even dangerous oversimplification -- one
that could add fuel to a debate that reaches beyond the confines of science.
Press materials from the university stated that the finding could "boost
human intelligence," and the researcher, neuroscientist Joe Tsien, suggested
that soon parents might use such a technology to beget brainier children.
But neuroscientists and geneticists say there is no gene or even group of
genes that determines intelligence. These mice simply showed superior
performance on some tests of a specific kind of memory acquisition. Tsien's
research itself was hailed as impressive and solid work. The complaints
focused on the interpretation. "The mice are not smarter," said Larry
Squire, a neuroscientist at the [ University of California ] at San Diego.
"This is a memory mechanism." He has worked with patients who have developed
amnesia from a brain injury or stroke, and their IQs can be unaffected. "To
go from this learning process to intelligence . . . it's a huge
extrapolation, it's irresponsible and it's dangerous," said geneticist Tim
Tully of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y. "Equating memory
to intelligence is like equating one planet to the whole galaxy." Tully said
that, in light of the damage that has resulted from faulty interpretations
of science, researchers have a responsibility to the public to be as clear
and as specific as possible in publicizing any results that touch on the
hot-button issues of genetics and intelligence. What Tsien and his
colleagues achieved, as explained in a paper published last week in the
journal Nature, was to add extra copies of a memory- and learning-associated
gene to mouse embryos. When the mice grew up, their brain cells made more of
a certain molecule, the NMDA receptor, which plays a role in recording new
memories in the brain. He then put the mice through several standard
learning and memory tasks. In one, he tested their ability to find and
remember the location of a small platform hidden just under the surface of a
wading-pool-size tank of cloudy water. In another test, he measured how well
they learned to associate a tone, and a certain chamber, with an electric
shock. Neuroscientist Charles Stevens and others were excited, not, he
explained, because they thought Tsien and his colleagues had found the
intelligence gene, but because the finding backed up a leading theory of the
way the neurons and synapses rearrange themselves to form a new memory.
According to that theory, the brain stores new information by changing the
relative strengths of the synapses that channel signals between neurons.
"Memories are formed by patterns of synapses becoming stronger or weaker,"
said Stevens, who works at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, Calif. Some of
those patterns persist for a few seconds, others for a lifetime. The gene
that Tsien gave the mice endowed them with an extra dose of the brain
molecule known to play a key role in this reordering of the synaptic
strengths. Stevens, Squire and others also speculated that this new
understanding of the physical and chemical basis of memory could lead to new
drugs for Alzheimer's disease and other forms of memory loss.

Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries
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