Re: Fears of nanotech

Date: Sat Sep 11 1999 - 18:38:01 MDT

In a message dated 99-09-10 11:35:22 EDT, you write:

<< and, in Western democracy *only*, it would *maybe* allow us to
 better control our government *if* we could interrogate politicians. >>

I like that idea.

<<as 95% of Congresspersons, high-level bureaucrats, and corporate
executives went out the window. I'm inclined to think they would band
together and use the truth machine to enforce a dictatorship.>>

Still, . . . what happens when we leave a civilized area on or off this
planet and do not have control over the colonies? I have no idea. What can
you do if a group chooses to be irrational? Total freedom means some are
bound to be dictatorships and try to force belief in their system. Purhaps
colonies off Earth will be separated far enough, but people within the
colonies change and will want their freedom just like it is now, on Earth.

If you have irrational groups doing harm, how can they be controlled without
a police state? Even police states do not stop organized crime -- simply
pay-off the police. Should the groups (crazy groups as well as rational
groups) even be controlled at all? Could we instead . . . as individuales,
all acquire defensive weapons: for example, private police paid by
individuals and private security systems, nanotechproof clothing and
structures (fight nano crime with anti-nano-nanotechnology, see Drexler's
books) only individuals control?

I see some really big problems coming up. I console myself only that at
least some people (e.g., ExI members/supporters, transhuman groups) are
starting to think about these problems.

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