Re: Nanogirl news~

Date: Fri Sep 10 1999 - 10:00:29 MDT

Robin Hanson, <>, writes:
> Hal Finney wrote:
> >Yesterday, Gina wrote:
> > > *Mini-Motor Models Nature, Advances Miniaturization Technology. ...
> >This article is now available online at (in full text
> >no less). You have be registered to read it, but it's free. ...
> Actually, its, and only the abstract is free.

You're right about the URL, but the full text link is working for me.
I log in with username "cypherpunks", password "writecode" and click on
the full text link and I get the article. Maybe this is actually an
account someone paid for to get full-text access? Usually these
cypherpunk accounts are just the free ones.

It's a pretty neat molecule BTW, worth looking at the article just to
see the pictures. It almost looks like it could come from the pages
of Nanosystems, with linked graphite-like carbon rings forming what
looks like a little "propellor". The "motor" does not actually spin
the prop, it is just able to turn it one notch (and then it stops).
More work would be needed to be able to keep it turning.


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