Weekly World News (was hermaphroditic birth???)

From: CurtAdams@aol.com
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 16:21:49 MDT

In a message dated 9/9/99 2:22:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, hal@finney.org

> If you become a connoisseur of tabloids, you will soon learn that the
> Weekly World News lies at the very bottom of the credibility scale.
> The publication is full of ape-children, alien babies, giant beasts of
> all sorts, biblical prophesies come true, and so on. It is actually
> quite entertaining, but I have the impression that virtually everything
> in the magazine is invented from whole cloth.

10 years ago, I was in a dance class with a girl who got something published
in the WWN. They pay for unsolicited pictures if they choose to publish
them. She and a couple of friends made some tinfoil getups and tromped
around the Huntington Library near LA, taking pictures. They sent it in

It got published, page 3, and she got $150.

To be honest, I never checked up on this, but she was pretty believable.

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