I'm outta here

From: mark@unicorn.com
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 09:41:28 MDT

You know, I've been on and off this list since 1993; I've learnt a lot and
met a lot of interesting people here. But it's seriously deteriorated in the
last year or two and in the last few weeks it's become clear to me that this
is no longer anything like the list I first joined and I don't hold out much
hope of improvement; whereas I used to read everything that came through,
today I find myself deleting 90+% after the first line or two, if not on
sight. The occasional thread is of interest, but mostly the list just clutters
up my mailbox.

So, anyway, dumping ExI's implicit libertarian stance in favor of bland
acceptance of any political viewpoint may have brought in more people, but
as a (small-l) libertarian, it's been a major loss to me. I hope that decision
proves to be worthwhile.

I'll check the archives now and again to see if anything improves... but now
I don't expect to be back for a long time, if ever.


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