Re: Waco: Govt Set Fire

From: Robin Hanson (
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 08:49:22 MDT

On 9/9/1999, Ian Goddard wrote:
> The report at the following URL presents evidence
> never before seen on the Internet from the much-
> discussed FLIR video taken over Waco, Texas.
> This evidence, covered briefly in Mike McNulty's
> award-winning documentary "Waco: The Rules of
> Engagement" and corroborated by expert testimony,
> establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that the
> fire that engulfed the Mount Carmel Center in
> Waco, Texas, was started by the U.S. Government.
> This evidence is not being discussed on TV, but,
> thanks to the Internet, everyone can see it now!

A few weeks ago I rented that video, and it convinced
me that the FBI was lying about at least some things.
In particular, I was persuaded that the FBI was shooting
at the compound from close range at just the time and
place you would expect people to be trying to escape
the fire. I think they said 27? bodies were found with
bullets in them.

The FBI is shown on the tape repeatedly claiming that
no shots were ever fired at the compound at anytime
during the siege. So they claim that the people there
shot themselves. (Did anyone ever try to match the
bullets to guns?) An FBI agent is also heard on the
tape admitting to Koresh that they did shoot at them.

Regarding who started the fire, I'm less sure.
I'd want to study the tape Ian gives clips of in more
detail to be as sure as he seems to be. But given
that the FBI has lied about at least two things,
Ian's claim is (in this case) quite plausible.

I wish I had bothered to mention the video before
the recent info came out; I missed my chance to say
that the FBI was lying about one thing just before
they were shown to have lied about something else

Robin Hanson
Asst. Prof. Economics, George Mason University
MSN 1D3, Carow Hall, Fairfax VA 22030
703-993-2326 FAX: 703-993-2323

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