Re: kathryn's comments

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Sep 08 1999 - 23:23:31 MDT

"Jones, Spike" wrote:
> Mike Lorry wrote: [never mind what Mike Lorry wrote. Onerous comments
> deleted.]
> Mike did you really write that? If not, apologies in advance and curse
> the impostor. If so, shame on you dammit. This is *exactly* the kind
> of thing Kathryn Aegis was complaining about. {8-[ spike

I can't speak for Mike Lorry, as I am not he. Perhaps if you actually
quoted what the dastardly dude said, I can decide for myself whether to
applaud or throw rotten veggies....

Mike Lorrey (it means 'foxy' in the old tongue. I may be big, but I'm
not a truck.)

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