posthuman worldcons

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Sep 07 1999 - 07:01:08 MDT

Feeling rather in need of an immediate refreshing upload, I report that
Aussiecon 3, the World SF Convention just finished in Oz, was a trip. For a
start, Greg Egan finally won a Hugo (for `Oceanic'). Gregory Benford was
Pro Guest of Honor. There were various blatantly >H events, such as an
entire panel arranged around the topic Are we the Last Mortal Generation?

There was even one on Posthumans, which to my chagrin I missed. I was even
more chagrined when friends reported that Greg Benford had declared on the
panel that as John W. Campbell had been the prophet of Heinlein, and Bruce
Sterling of Bill Gibson, I was the prophet of Egan, whom the panel regarded
as perhaps the next great voice in sf. Cool. (Of course, I wouldn't mind
someone else now turning out to be the prophet of *me*, but let's not get
too greedy...)

Not to mention the room party organized by several cryonics people, hosted
by the knowledgeable Ben Best and attended by such interesting people as
Thomas Donaldson and Veronica Sullivan. *Really* cool...

Damien Broderick

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