How Den Otter's killer wave scenario will work out!

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Sep 06 1999 - 13:56:42 MDT

Hello everyone,

Den Otter wrote:
>"Hey, wait a minute...what's that? Could it be...Yes!! It's...
>The Wave! Wow, look how big it is. And fast. Awesome man! Far
>out! Ok, surf's up, dudes!! Right! ... Oh shit man, we don't
>have any boards! Major bummer, man! Ah well, we wouldn't know
>how to use them anyway. Nevermind...Run, run!!! Oh shit. Oh
>shit. We're all going to die, I have calculations! Sweet Jesu
>& Mother of God, have mercy upon our souls!"

At this point Den Otter jumps into his one-man escape pod built to avoid the
killer goo and whatever else and escapes! As he looks down he sees Greg
Burch and all his young extropian jedi knights in training having the time
of their lives surfing the monster wave!!

John Grigg

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