Re: Doogie Mice

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Sep 06 1999 - 11:09:16 MDT

On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, John Clark wrote:

> If the words "mouse intelligence" has any meaning at all then these
> are the reasons Dr. Tang is justified in saying that Doogie is smarter
> than wild mice.

I think the problem may be that I consider "mouse intelligence" to
be much more of an oxymoron than you do. I can go to the hardware
store up the street and get a wrench that dynamically adapts itself
to fit the heads of bolts of different sizes. So the wrench does the
job that it is designed to do. Do I now have an "intelligent wrench"?

I agree completely that Doogie is "smarter" than WT mice.

> These are thought to be 6 different abilities, 4 involved the hippocampus
> and 2 did no. Doogie did consistently better on all of them.

No problem, all I've said is said is that *in my opinion*, improving
memory (which is a primary hippocampus function) is a substantially
lesser thing than improving what I call "intelligence".

The dictionary says:
    the ability to perceive logical relationships and use one's
    knowledge to solve problems and respond appropriately to
    *novel* situations ||
    capability of performing some functions usually associated with
    *human* reasoning

I just don't happen to think that the case is strong that improving
mouse *memory* will be a panacea for improving the "intelligence"
of higher mammals.



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