SOC: Mad Cows and Englishmen: "GM foods" hysteria grows

Date: Sat Sep 04 1999 - 16:32:32 MDT

>From BBC News,
Saturday, September 4, 1999 Published at 04:31 GMT 05:31 UK


GM food 'more worrying than BSE'

20% of adults would not give their families GM tomatoes

Genetically-modified food has overtaken BSE as the top food safety issue for
nearly half the UK public, a survey has said. And almost a third of those
interviewed said they did not feel they could trust the government on food
safety issues.

  The public has grown more opposed to GM technology over the past year,
said Mintel, who carried out a survey of 1,000 adults.

Some 47% believe that GM food is the most pressing food safety concern,
compared with 36% in 1998.

The BBC's Karen Bowerman reports

Only 36% said they considered BSE to be the over-riding food safety issue.

The research suggested that GM farm-scale trials and worries over food
labelling have hardened opinion against GM foods.

BSE's knock-on effect

One-fifth of the adults interviewed said they were so fearful of GM food
they would never knowingly eat it or give it to their family.

Women were more worried about GM food than men, with more than 50%
registering concern. And 53% of Londoners were unhappy about it, compared
with 38% of Scots.

Three-quarters of those surveyed said GM foods should be clearly labelled,
while 37% called for more research into the technology.

Some 47% said they felt they did not know enough about the technology to
make an informed judgement.

Researchers said people felt they had been lied to over BSE, and this was
having a knock-on effect on the general attitude to GM foods.

"Memories of the BSE crisis will continue to beset the efforts of
biotechnology companies in their efforts to develop GM foods," said James
McCoy, Mintel's senior consultant on consumer goods.

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