RE: Cognution [was Re: Deep Blue - white paper]

From: Cameron Reilly (
Date: Sat Sep 04 1999 - 07:36:33 MDT

Spike wrote:
Now chess players have come to realize that their brains are running
an algorithm of some kind; perhaps not well understood, but still
an algorithm. Today chess players in general will tend to be very
comfortable with the notion that computers will eventually [probably
soon] be able to do things that we think of as exclusively human,
such as driving cars, recognizing a face in a crowd, developing software,
writing poetry and music, and even playing chess *and enjoying it*.

It was precisely this point that made me ask the original question regarding
Deep Blue. 20 years ago, a lot of people (including it appears, some in the
AI community) thought that playing chess at grandmaster level was something
that required a 'higher level of thinking', something more than could be
achieved through brute force. Deep Blue resolved that question. Today many
people suggest that computers can never achieve "consciousness" or
"sentience". Perhaps in another 20 years we will know the answer to that


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