Scientific Explanation Wanted

From: P. Amaripuja (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 21:39:39 MDT

Fellow extropians,

To me it seems quite surprising that some of the ideas presented in this
forum are quite relevant to what some Indonesians experience in their
everyday lives. I would like to post a series of messages regarding
phenomenons I have observed, some first handedly and others second handedly.
I surely hope that you can give me scientific explanations for them.

* A Javanese traditonal dance called the "Jaran Kepang" frequently exhibits
tranced dancers who walk over glass shards, eat hard coconut skin and eat
glass shards. There are no visible post trance side effects. I observed the
Jaran Kepang myself, and saw no possible illusion present.
In a West Javan ritual, called the "Debus", a gigantic nail is hammered into
a dancer's abdomen, and combustible material is poured and ignited on a
dancer's hair and used to cook eggs. Again, with no visible physical effect.

If there are some kind of hynosis involved, I do not understand how glass
shards can be safely digested. I believe there is an unknown scientific
process at work, and if they could be studied there might be medical and
scientific benefits to our society.

P. Amaripuja

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