Re: Singularity?

From: Matt Gingell (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 13:22:46 MDT

----- Original Message -----
From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky <>

>See [343K]
>> Where does your 2020 figure come from? (I'm afraid I
>> don't know how to expand the 'CRNS' qualifier.)
>Current Rate No Singularity. The 2020 figure is how long I think it'll
>take for AI researchers to think their way out of a cardboard box if I'm
>not running things. I'd *like* to have it done by 2005.

I skimmed your document and, with all due respect, I do not see that your model,
as I understand it, differs significantly from classical AI. You have a number
of modules containing domain-specific knowledge mediated by a centralized world
model. This is a traditional paradigm. The macro-scale self improvement you
envision is not compelling to me – if you’ve written a program that can
understand and improve upon itself in a novel and open-ended way then you’ve
solved the interesting part of the problem already.

Could you identify the cardboard box you think AI research is stuck in, and what
you’d change if you were in charge. (You have 5 years...)


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