re:knowledge doubling (what sort of units? How do you count it?)

From: Skye Howard (
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 12:06:51 MDT

Hard to quantify "knowledge," though, isn't it? I
suspect you mean scientific type information regarding
the world around us, but how do you quantify the size
of even that? Would a new type of animal be greater
or lesser than a new type of medical procedure? Could
you quantify knowledge at all? I suppose there might
be a few ways, but I haven't ever heard of one
specific enough that you could actually say, "Yes, we
are absolutely twice as intelligent as (x) years ago."

--- ann watkins <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've often come across statements such as "the
> quantity of human knowledge is doubling every x
> years". However, x seems to vary from 2 to 15, and
> nobody ever says where they get their figures from!
> Does anyone have any pointers to information on the
> subject? (Or, for that matter, any idea what the
> doubling period might be?)
> Cheers,
> Chris Watkins

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