Re: Aid to children

From: Elizabeth Childs (
Date: Mon Aug 30 1999 - 19:29:33 MDT

Bryan Moss said:
> Cythia wrote:
> > > [...] Big business buys a chunk of the child, contributes education,
> > > housing, clothing, food, et cetera, and then when the child is ready
> > > specialise they're either traded to a company in that area, or trained
> > > up and then traded.
> >
> > That is otherwise known as SLAVERY!
> Yes.
> > Right now Fathers in Thailand sell their 13 year old daughters into the
> > prostitution industry, where they are kept drugged up and have a life
> > expectancy of 5 years.
> It's a small step in the right direction.

Bryan, are you seriously advocating slavery here, or am I not getting a

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