Re: Unintended Consequences, by John Ross

From: Uwe Ross (
Date: Sun Aug 29 1999 - 09:15:48 MDT

> Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 11:08:19 EDT
> From:
> Subject: Book Review: Unintended Consequences, by John Ross (Accurate Press)
> Having heard that some anti-freedom busybodies were proposing
> that this book be banned nationwide, I went out and read John
> Ross' masterful novel of the put-upon gun culture, "Unintended
> Consequences" ($28.95 from hard-to-find Accurate Press in St.
> Louis, so try Paladin Press at 800-392-2400, or else Loompanics).

_Unintended Consequences_ is NOT hard to get a hold of.

Amazon carries it, and has a SLEW of reader's reviews:

I recommend it highly. It resides on my shelf next to _Atlas Shrugged_ and
_The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_.


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