Re: Present Dangers -- the list thus far

From: Brian Manning Delaney (
Date: Sun Aug 29 1999 - 00:56:24 MDT

Kathryn Aegis wrote:

> Not to be a 'list mom', but this thread is
> becoming increasingly fragmented and has
> some unrelated discussion. Because I would
> like to see something actually come of this, I
> would like to list out the 'dangers' mentioned
> thus far:


> 5. Demographics-- a present lack of diversity
> within transhumanism [....]


> Have I missed any?

Hi Kathryn,

I'm new to the List (but "old" to the issues). My two cents here
is that you've put two separate issues under 5, and I'd like to
add a demographics-related 3rd point (#7 -- I know you didn't
ask for new points! Sorry!):

5. Demographics-- bad for PR.

6. Demographics-- bad for transhumanism itself (sources for
new ideas are limited).

7. Demographics-- suggestive of a blind spot, a lack of
self-awareness of our motives, perhaps even a _problem_ with our
motives? Or perhaps simply: worth thinking about?

I'm a Nietzschean, and a perennial self-doubter, but, doubt
aside, I think it's worth asking what the _extreme_ demographic
skewedness can tell us about our views themselves: whence the
views, what might they aim at that goes beyond what we normally
tell ourselves is the aim? (etc.).

We typically answer these questions from within transhumanism
itself, which is, in the end, not to answer them at all (for the
same reason a pragmatist isn't answering the question Why
pragmatism? when s/he replies: "Because it works.")


Brian Manning Delaney
(No need to CC replies to me.)

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