Re: Present dangers to transhumanism

Date: Sat Aug 28 1999 - 15:58:56 MDT

In a message dated 99-08-28 16:39:33 EDT, (Bryan
Moss) wrote:

> Kathryn Aegis wrote:
> > BACK OF ROOM: You look like the Aryan Martha Stewart.
> >
> > TRAINER: It might be good if you didn't talk about genetics, cloning, or
> > anything else that might bring up the image of a 'master race'.....
> This is a real problem. I'm a White Male with blonde hair and blue eyes.
> Worse, one simple typo and I could be 'Aryan Moss'.

No problem for me: About once a month, I get told I look like a Colombian
Drug Lord -- especially if I'm wearing shades and a nice suit.

     Greg Burch <>----<>
     Attorney ::: Vice President, Extropy Institute ::: Wilderness Guide -or-
                         "Civilization is protest against nature;
                  progress requires us to take control of evolution."
                                      -- Thomas Huxley

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