Evolution - Creationism Debate

From: Clint O'Dell (clintodell@hotmail.com)
Date: Sat Aug 28 1999 - 10:58:19 MDT

There is some religious organization called Baha'i here in Denver hosting a
Debate between Evolution and Creationism.

I'm not sure which side they're on so I sent them an email.

If any of you live or plan on being in Denver, CO on Sept. 8th here's the

                        Evolution - Creationism

                             Presented By
                        Dwight Kimsey, Ecologist

                  Time: Wednesday, Sept. 8th, at 7:30 PM
                  Place: Metro-Denver Baha'i Center
                  99 S. Grant Street, Denver
                 (Corner of Grant Street and E. Bayaud Ave.)

                     Admission Free Public Invited
                 Audience Participation Follows Presentation
              For Information Call 303-798-4319 or 303-322-8997

I would like to meet some of you so if you plan to attend please email me at

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