Re: New Government?

From: Ron Kean (
Date: Wed Aug 25 1999 - 10:50:00 MDT

On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 09:05:22 -0700 (PDT) Terry Donaghe
<> writes:
> Let's suppose, for just a moment, that the miser mixes his $100 bills
> in a solution of water and dough and proceeds to "paste" them all
> about
> himself, creating a sort of paper mache effect. Then, let's also
> suppose that when the men in the white coats come to take him away,
> that he jumps into a pool of his own molten gold.
> Just suppose....
> Who would want gold polluted with dead miser body parts??
> ===
> Terry Donaghe:

In that case, the dough, the money, and the miser parts would end up
floating as a smoking scum on the top of the molten gold, and would
mostly burn away. The heavier elements would oxidize and continue to
float as a slag, which could be easily removed with a refractory skimming

Ron Kean



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