Re: Educational System Outcasts [was Re: Twin Studies]

Date: Wed Aug 25 1999 - 07:11:34 MDT

phil osborn [] wrote:
>Actually, I was the life of the party as a kid, to the point that I
>transcended it. I was literally the most popular kid in my class in most of
>elementary and high school, voted "class king" in high school, etc., etc.
>When it goes that well but you're also raised to be super-critical, then at
>some point you begin to see how thin the facade is.

Very similar here; in elementary school I was popular, admired and had half
the girls chasing after me. In my first year at high school I decided the
whole mammalian social popularity contest thing was a crock and dropped
out of it, becoming pretty much an outsider. Carried on coming top in the
school academically, though.


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