Re: NPR requests interviews of SETI@Home users in Wash DC area

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun Aug 22 1999 - 12:20:57 MDT

On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, Kathryn Aegis wrote:

> Wow, Joe Palca! Husband of Sue Palca, a television meteorologist, one of
> the power couples in journalism today. Hope some of you can help him out,
> and please post when the segment will air.

Kathryn, you are a fountain of interesting pieces of trivia!
I might have otherwise skipped this message, if you hadn't
commented on it.

At any rate, I've sent a long message to Joe Palca, regarding
why I think SETI@home will not work, explaining some concepts
about supercomputers in space, Dyson shells, SIs, etc. suggesting
he contact me if he wants further information.

... Robert Bradbury, in his dark suit of light absorbing
    nanoarmour, lept into the pit twirling his double-bladed
    light saber. To the left were massed the astromers with
    their simplistic assumptions of the universe, to the right
    stood the SETI fans warily eyeing the individual who threatened
    to make null-and-void years of painstaking work and zillions
    of CPU cycles. In the background could be heard the occasional
    clap or cheer of those forward thinking nanotechies and extropians.
    The battle had begun.

stay tuned...


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