Re: Australian pinko communists

From: Timothy Bates (
Date: Fri Aug 20 1999 - 23:35:40 MDT (Patrick Wilken)
> Mike:
> Do you actually know anything about the Liberal Party in Australia?
> Australians like nothing
> better than to listen to non-Australians (in particular US passport
> holders) explain a priori the nature of our country. Its always
> fascinating.
It is more fascinating listening to people in a country whose relative
standard of living continues to drop rubbishing a country that is inventing
the future. It is particularly true in our area of Psychology, don't you

Mike said
>> Being a libertarian, I consider anyone more
>> pro-government than I to be a socialist, in general
and Patrick asked
> So Nazi Germany was a socialist state as well?

Pat, do you know what Nazi is an acronym of?
    National SOCIALIST Party.
That is the name which Hitler chose: he may be a qualified judge, no?


Dr Timothy Bates
Senior Lecturer
Dept Psychology
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109
Ph 61 (2) 9850 8623
FAX 61 (2) 9850 8062

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