Re: Quantum Computers [was Read any good books lately?]

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 12:14:08 MDT

> Bell's inequality has been experimentally proven to be false and that pretty
> much torpedoes the hidden variable idea, certainly the loopholes are very
> small and they seem to keep shrinking even more every year. Anyway, how
> could you be proven wrong, all good scientific theories need a way to do
> that. If you don't see interference bands many worlds is dead and Copenhagen
> is possibly right, if you do see interference bands Copenhagen is dead and
> many worlds is probably correct.
> There are only two possible outcomes, what's your prediction, do we get
> interference bands or not, how do you place your bet?

But doesn't the experimental disproof of Bell's inequality give us
the answer? We will see the interference pattern, because our
requirement that the QC be entirely reversible and maintain quantum
coherence throughout the experiment forbids us from assuming that
the electrons went through either slot. Our QC cannot by definition
/record/ its observation (or even the fact that it made one), because
that would be irreversible, so we are forbidden from assuming that it
/made/ an observation; we only want to assume it did because we have
chosen to call it conscious. But the electrons don't care about our
silly definitions--either we record the measurement irreversibly
(ringing a bell, writing it down, killing a cat--whatever) and we get
one slot or the other, or else we don't and we get the interference
pattern. There's nothing special about the QC to change that.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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