Re: Extropians GIMPS team

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Aug 17 1999 - 22:27:59 MDT

> [Bryan Moss has] an idea to get all 5 of those (potential) undiscovered
> Mersenne
> primes and the $100K prize in maybe a year or less. We'll use the CPU
> cycles of internet users without asking them...

Bryan, do you think you are the first to think of this? What if, at this
very moment, some sneaky coder scoundrel is using *your* CPU to
perform unspeakable acts of computation? It could be anyone, perhaps
even... Bill Gates. Let us use GIMPS to uncover those who would perpetrate
such reprehensible acts of clandestine computing. This is yet another
side benefit of GIMPS, along with providing a *free* constant system
diagnostic tool, for it warns you if it gets an illegal sumout error, perhaps
allowing you to discover a faulty or overclocked CPU, along with detecting
unknown background processes.

Cool idea tho. {8^D spike

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