RE: SI Comparative Advantages [was Re: Free Will]

From: O'Regan, Emlyn (
Date: Tue Aug 17 1999 - 21:22:21 MDT

I wrote:
> A whole universe, an M-brain, and there's nothing better to do? Come on!
> Felines sleep 12-16 hours a day because they are bozos. Imagine, with all
> that mental power at your command, and physical power over the universe.
> Wouldn't you spend time thin
...king about finishing your sentence?

I think that I meant "thinking about life the universe and everything,
playing with the universe, creating creating creating". When I am an
M-brain, I'll work out what I did mean to say here, then send the message
back in time, and ******* oh don't worry, it was drivel.


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