RE: SI Comparative Advantage [was Re: Free Will]

From: O'Regan, Emlyn (
Date: Tue Aug 17 1999 - 01:07:16 MDT

> Since, once you have computed your trajectories, safety margins, etc.
> you don't have to stay "on", other than for routine maintenance tasks,
> the SIs could go into "sleep" mode. The best thing we could come
> up with at the Foresight Group Genius Weekend is that these entities
> are generally doing "nothing", but have a "wake me up when something
> interesting happens" alarm. If most of them are asleep, detecting
> them is going to be a real nightmare due to the low heat production.
> Robert
ah, if you have gone to the trouble of becoming an SI, why would you then
snooze on the job? There's always something you can do with CPU/brain time.
And wouldn't a permanently awake SI have an advantage over a strategically
sleepy one, just because it's thinking more?

Or do you mean that doing "nothing" means doing entirely internal thinking,
ie: not interacting with the outside world, but CPUs at 100%?

I just don't like the idea that SI's work like an office photocopier

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