Re: The Right to Exclude

From: Tracy Newby (
Date: Thu Aug 12 1999 - 09:11:41 MDT

I for one will NOT tolerate intolerance. If the African-Americans (like
Martin Luther King Jr.) who were part of the civil rights movement in
the 50's and 60's were tolerant of the intolerance of white America we
would still have segregation in this country.

It sounds as if you're saying that it's okay to be intolerant. It's not.
There is a difference between tolerating someone's diferences (like
being gay, or Catholic, or a meat eater, etc.) adn accepting and
embracing them. I don't have to agree with someone to respect their
right to feel or believe what they choose or to live their lives as they
see fit. I will draw the line when they take "action" which affects
others in a negative fassion (other than voicing their opinions [i.e.
free speech]).

I happen to be VERY anti-religious and consider any form of organized
religion to be very detrimental to humanity and our individuality in
particular. However I do NOT condone taking violent actions against
innocent civilians especially children (the situation in LA recently) or
destroying churches, mosques or temples. I even consider grafiti to be
crossing the line. However I will not tolerate the religious right
presuming to take control of my life away from me as they have seen fit
to consider it their place to know what is best for me and my fellow

What does this mean? I am tolerant of other peoples right to make
important decisions for themselves, even though I do not respect what it
is they do or believe in. When intolerance leaves your head, in any form
other than words (spoken or written) you are wrong, period. I have to
tolerate the KKK and other white supremesist groups when they speak out
(I don't have to listen to them) but when they are causing a riot or
burning people out of their homes or beating them and dragging them
behind a truck to their death (a situation in Texas), that is something
no intelligent, civilized human being should be willing to tolerate.

Sorry for ranting.... "I shall yield the remainder of my 'soab-box' time
to the Honorable Senator from Massachusets...." = )

Thanks for listening,

Rik van Riel wrote:

> Btw, here (the Netherlands) the scouts organization has the
> promotion of tolerance pretty high on it's agenda. Being a
> scouts leader myself I even try to make it clear to the kids
> that tolerance of intolerance is also part of the picture,
> but that's too difficult to grasp for most 11 year-olds :)
> regards,
> Rik
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