Read any good books lately?

From: Bryan Moss (
Date: Thu Aug 12 1999 - 10:31:14 MDT

I'm currently in the middle of _Zen and the Brain_, which is not light
reading material (in the sense that you can't carry it on the train), _The
Anthropic Cosmological Principle_ (had it for a long time but only just
started reading it), and the usual selection of textbooks (mostly computer
science with some physics). I tend to have about five or more books (less
demanding than the above) going simultaneously but alas I have run out of
reading material. With this in mind I ask:

Read any good books lately?

Of course these would be extropian-related (this being the extropians list)
but I, personally, am proud of being so open minded my brains do indeed have
a tendency to fall out, so any suggestions will be entertained (excluding
the pseudo sciences, they require the mind to be absent not open).


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