Re: Planetary Defense for profit

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Aug 11 1999 - 22:40:26 MDT

Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

> One of the most "Extropian" projects I can imagine supporting is
> the projects to identify space-based hazards to the planet and
> the development of the means to neutralize them.

Naahh Robert, that would make Lock.heed.Martin an extropian
oriented company, which is almost a contradiction in terms. {8^D
We have a study/proposal group that is working on exactly this,
but perhaps for a different reason. For profit. {8-] Actually,
we want to ensure that a stray rock from space does not trigger
world war 3. If an asteroid were to be identified and we had
a few years to plan a strategy (as with the 2028 Earth grazer)
there exists a plan to deal with that. There is a planned radio
array that will eventually map all major asteroids and their predicted
paths, but I dont have a URL for it. spike

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