Re: So What Will They Teach???

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Aug 11 1999 - 22:08:54 MDT

Rik van Riel wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, eyehi wrote:
> > Kansas school board drops evolution
> > New curriculum guidelines exclude scientific theory
> >
> They'll probably teach "doesn't have that something to do
> with aim?" gun control. IMHO this just proves that the US
> is nothing but a very rich 3rd world country...

Actually, we are 2nd world. Remember, you are the Old World, we are the
New World. Everyone else is the leftovers....

Note: Vermont just announced its homicide rates for 1998. It had 15
homicides of varying degrees. Population: 500,000, for a rate of 3 per
100,000 population, which is lower than Britain has had in more than 40
years, lower than Canada (even though Canada has an even lower
population density than Vermont), and lower than Australia, and most
other '1st world' countries. For your information, Vermont's gun laws
are thus: almost no laws. You don't need a permit to carry a concealed
weapon anywhere in Vermont. Automatic weapons are easy to get. Only
silencers are banned (which is surprising considering how sensitive the
left leaning transplants from New York are about their peace and
quiet...). I haven't gotten the figures for New Hampshire yet, but
undoubtedly they are higher since we do require that you get a permit
before you carry, and we are a lot closer to Boston and Lawrence...

now, back to the subject of Kansas: You've got to remember, enyone with
two ounces of brains moved out of there years ago... The girls in the
beauty pageants there are THE cream of the crop...

Sign me,
gun toting, happy, and safe,
Mike Lorrey

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