Re: Parallel processing & subconscious [Was Re: Neurons vs. Transistor]

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Fri Aug 06 1999 - 14:44:41 MDT

Gina wrote,
>Therefore, the point is, although not every case is genetic (alternately
>being contaminated), I would recognize that this is less a state of mind
>more a disease. Further more, "random subconscious
>thoughts reinforced for entertainment" I can substitute with diction as

Right spot on, Gina. That helps to explain the futility of trying to change
the mind or influence the ideology of a schizophrenic. It may also worry us
to know that a significant proportion of the ruling class has above average
susceptibility to this disease. I guess the most extropic response to a
paranoid schizophrenic (such as Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong, for instance)
involves circumventing them with technology that can surpass their
propaganda machines (like the Net perhaps?) until such time as early
detection of the disease prevents them organizing against the integrity of
man's science.

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