Re: The brain and the hand

From: Jeff Fabijanic (
Date: Fri Aug 06 1999 - 08:13:05 MDT

Greg Burch wrote:

>...I agree that it's much more a function of
>the combination of BIPEDALISM with the wetware behind the hardware, than the
>hand alone. The major breakthrough that happened with Australopithicus was
>freeing up the hand. As you say, John, the big question in primate evolution
>is what pushed us upright.

In _The River that Flows Uphill_, William Calvin posits that *after* our
ancestors were pushed upright in the process of becoming fringe/plain
dwellers (upright animals see better over tall grass, and present a smaller
cross-section to the hot savana sun), they adapted a grasping hand into a
*throwing* hand. And it is perhaps the increased brain power necessary to
accurately project a missile to it's target that really started our
incredibly fast ride up the river of intelligence.

I don't know if we'll eventually find data to support such a theory, but it
resonates with me. I like the idea that the quality of projecting our wills
into the physical world out past the limited reach of our bodies, and our
minds into the future to accurately model trajectories, pushed us from the
eternal now of animal life into the screwed-up difficult amazing world of
human conciousness.

That book, btw, is an excellent summer read. Part travel log, part
biography, part adventure story, part neuro-anthropology text. Calvin knows
that he's in mostly uncharted territory, and approaches the questions he
raises as an explorer, not a prophet.

The book is out of print in the US, but available from Amazon and there is
an online version at .

 - Jeff

| Jeffrey Fabijanic, Designer The Future exists,
| Primordial Software first in Imagination,
| "Software of the First Order" then in Will,
| Boston, MA * (617) 983-1369 and finally in Reality.

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