Re: Anti-homeopathic rhetoric

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 12:00:23 MDT

At 10:33 PM 8/4/1999 +0200, you wrote:

>Ah, I love it. Has anybody else noticed how people (not only kooks)
>love to refer to how their pet idea is receiving more approval in
>other countries? Alas, this works increasingly less well with an
>international audience.

  IAN: Fuzzy logic has been receiving far
  more approval in Japan than in the U.S.,
  but that doesn't mean it's wrong or that
  refering to that makes you a kook. What
  makes homeopathy wrong is that it's fraud.
  Now, there are some medicinal preparations
  sold by homeopathic companies that actually
  contain standard quantities of, for example,
  herbal extracts. But the "philosophy" that
  water from which virtually all medicinal
  contents have been removed still imparts
  the therapeutic effect of those now-absent
  chemicals by some kind of "water memory"
  is simply fraud. Never before has such a
  cover story been used to sell placebos.

  Medical studies show that placebo patients
  tend to report more symptoms than they did
  before taking the placebo, which means that
  the mind is superimposing its expectations.
  Also, a sizable non-zero percentage of those
  on placebo report getting better. If you took
  the same placebo pill and put it on the market,
  a sizable non-zero percentage of people taking
  that phoney medicine would report getting better,
  and they would go tell their friends and you'd
  have an constant non-zero market for sugar pills
  and bottles of water without medicinal content.
  That's how homeopathy works, placebo effect.


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