Re: IA vs. AI was: longevity vs singularity (fwd)

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Aug 04 1999 - 07:57:32 MDT wrote:
> On Mon, 02 August 1999, "Robert J. Bradbury" wrote:
> > > ~I missed Extro 3, can you elaborate on this Minsky characterization?
> >
> > I was there and found it fairly "interesting". Someone in the audience,
> > I believe asked Marvin what he considered to be a stupid question
> > (somebody correct me if this is wrong). Marvin's response was, I
> > believe, in essence, "That's a stupid question, could you sit
> > down so we could move onto the next question". The person refused
> > and then things got very loud.
> The way I remember it Minsky told the questioner, "Could you please ask your question and stop wasting our time. You are being very inconsiderate to the rest of us". Upon which
> the person said, "who are you to decide if I'm taking too long, the question is not directed at you anyway". Marvin said, "I'd don't care if it's directed at me, you are wasting *my* time, so please leave so someone with more intelligence can ask a real question." Or words to that effect. I distinctly recall the look of dismay amongst the other panel members.

Having participated in panel type discussions in time limited conference
settings, I will have to side with Minsky. Such a discussion is not like
the 'smoke a bowl at the frat house and blather on about existence' type
of discussions that too many people prefer to use as their elocution
models. When you get the mike, ask your question and SIT DOWN. Someone
who monopolizes with reworded or other secondary and unimportant
questions is the one being rude.

Mike Lorrey

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