How cryonics should move forward in terms of funding and marketing

From: john grigg (
Date: Tue Aug 03 1999 - 15:52:12 MDT

Hello everyone,

Waldemar Ingdahl wrote:
I often hear the exclamation "oh why isn't there a generous texan oil
billionaire that could give us some money". I don't think that is a viable
strategy to develop any technology or good. The billionaire simply provides
to little money. What cryonics needs is to get commercialy viable, then it
can use the full advantage of a market economy. Unfortunately, cryonics
companies have to get a lot more professional in their marketing and
customer service, and they have to show clearer product value (I think they
still are relying too much on "nanotech Santa Claus"). Then they will
receive the capital to expand. Depending on good hearted patrons is not a
good alternative.


I full agree that cryonics does need a first-class marketing and advertising
effort to get the word out in a dignified, positive and "non-kooky" way.
Also certainly the techniques to freeze the body must be preserved even
though it does look like 21st Century Medicine made some substantial

I feel that you and others are doing an "all or nothing" take on approaching
wealthy individuals. I am not advocating this in general at all; I am
simply saying Robert Bigelow IS a very good possibility for us and so he
should be approached properly. I realize the odds are against us in trying
to get him to help the Prometheus Project or any other related organization
but we should at least try!!

With his interest and money going into a space cruiseship and paranormal
investigations I see him as much more open to cryonicists who are seen by
the mainstream as strange. If any billionaire might help us it would be
him! There is too much negativity of this list. People who will explain
why things won't work instead of why they might. And alot of what is said
on the list negative or positive is simply talk that comes to naught

Should we only approach the very wealthy and do nothing major on our own as
common members, of course not! But we must investigate and use every method
at our disposal to put the work forward. We must do all we can to pool our
time and resources together to make sure the research is done as many have
already said.

I have sensed the frustration of cryonicist leaders who say there are
already enough millionaires signed up that if they each just gave a small
portion of their fortunes for research that would be enough to fully fund
all research and make the necessary breakthroughs over the next decade or
so. I realize there is already a billionaire signed up who has not bothered
to donate much for research and I think that is very disappointing. Only
Saul Kent puts "his money where his mouth is." But they do not so the
middle-class members must muddle along and do the best they can with the
available resources. I do not feel this reality means we should stop
reaching out to specific very wealthy individuals who seem like they might
be receptive.

Alex Future Bokov wrote:
From: Alex Future Bokov <>
Subject: Re: What cryonics need is a billionaire patron


I agree with Waldemar about commercial viability and professionalism.
However, a few million bucks might help bridge the gap to profitability.
Those among us who are good with PR/fundraising might consider doing more
outreach to potential investors/benefactors... this guy and others.
Perhaps we should pencil in an informal meeting on this topic in Berkeley
at the end of the week...

Alex Future Bokov has the right idea and positive attitude that the movement
needs!! A few million might make a major difference if spent on a
thoughtful and clever advertising campaign and I have already read here how
marketing and grad students each year look for projects to assist in.

It cannot hurt to take the time and effort to approach Robert Bigelow and
others like him. I think someone like Robert Ettinger or Charles Platt
would be best.

There should be a transhumanist/cryonicist group that routinely meets, plans
and advances the ideas spoken of here. My one major concern is that I have
heard many cryonics leaders are not extropians and do not attend the Extro.
I believe this includes Charles Platt and Robert Ettinger among others. So
some sort of regular communications must be opened up with them. And I
realize that within and without the cryonics community there are some hard
feelings and differences of opinion that have hamstrung efforts to move

Daniel Lee Crocker spoke of the kookiness of the Art Bell show but in
defense of Art I will say besides some rediculous guests he has some
prominent scientists and visionaries like Robert Bigelow. In the mass media
Max More and his wife Natasha along with Romana Muchado and her friends not
to mention other extropians have allowed themselves to be shown as kooks by
tongue-in-cheek reporters and photographers. Their own personal websites do
not exactly help lessen this image. Anyone with a computer can use a search
engine to read these articles...usually proudly displayed on their websites!

I realize that we all have the right to be our true selves and have fun
doing it but the world does watch and take notes. I realize that some
extropians are also cryonicists (I would think all would be) but perhaps we
should leave the approaching of the rich to prominent cryonicists like
Platt, Kent and Ettinger. Then again the persuasive and enthusiastic style
of Max More and his wife might convince someone like Robert Bigelow to throw
in with cryonics in terms of major funding. Husband and wife "ambassadors"
such as Max and Natasha or Robert Ettinger and Mae might also be a good
idea. Somehow I could just see Max and Natasha being very effective with
Ted Turner and wife Jane Fonda...if they could just get to them!

I hope that Alex Bokov is able to get something substantial going. And I
hope that the Extro is a great success. I most likely will not be able to
attend so I hope to read many postings that in detail explain how it went!
And I would like to see photos of it put on websites for me to check out! I
hope you all have a great time and learn alot. And should any shouting
matches start please settle it with a "rock 'em, sock 'em robot boxers toy
set!" My bestfriend and I settled differences that way as kids and it
really does diffuse angry feelings because who can stay mad when a little
blue or red plastic boxing robot has its head suddenly pop off!! I'm sure
Doctor Moravec will love it! Take care everyone!


John Grigg

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