Re: AI Researchers: Are They Evil?

Date: Tue Aug 03 1999 - 01:38:08 MDT

"Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" wrote:

<<But seriously, when you make a segue of that magnitude, please change the subject line. Or else try to maintain relevance to the topic; i.e. "And I think this demonstrates a disdain for all human beings that is the direct result of being an AI researcher, which is why I don't trust an AI Transcend.>>

Yes! :-) And that is my point! I have yet to meet a
serious 'hard' AI researcher who is not lacking in either
ethics or social skills. So how can you possibly ask me to
trust the 'sons-a-bitches' to create a benevolent AI? The
assholes can barely behave themselves in the most controlled
social settings, and you want me to hedge my bets and my
life in the hands of this lot? Gimme a break!

Eli, you want to create an SI before nanotech destroys
everything. People like Den Otter, Max More and myself want
to IA ourselves to singularity before the SI's destroy us!
What makes you think you can close the gap between
assembler and SI any sooner than we can close the gap
between SI and uploading? You said it yourself - we are
fools to try to attempt to beat a 2020 CRNS technology with
2040 CRNS technology. But how are you any less the fool to
try to beat a 2010 CRNS tech with a 2020 CRNS tech? And I'm
using your CRNS estimates! :-)

Paul Hughes

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