Re: Will SETI show us we can survive?

From: Brent Allsop (
Date: Mon Aug 02 1999 - 10:18:18 MDT

Rammage <> said:

> The receipt of a single message from space would show it is possible
> to live through such technological adolescence: the transmitting
> civilization, after all, has survived. Such knowledge, it seems to
> me, might be worth a great price."

        One message would certainly go a very long way. But that's
not nearly enough. I get so sick of "prime directives" and all the
other theodicies attempting to twist evil into being good so people
can find a scapegoat for their cherished belief in supper aliens or
Gods out there watching us down here suffer and struggle. What
possible reason could there be for some kind of a "prime directive"
(and all the other logically absurd theodicies attempting to justify
God) implying they should just sit idly by watching while we struggle,
suffer and die down here!?

        My parents are dieing...! I don't want to lose them! Screw
the prime directive, all the other theodicies that attempt to justify
the existence of Gods in the face of our suffering... and give us a
hand down here! I don't want to try to justify all this evil and
suffering and think that it is necessary some how, and that we
possibly may not want to help other life that we might find (or create
ourselves) that might be more primitive than our own for some "prime
directive" like idea or theodicy. If I ever gain the ability to go
out exploring in space and find a kind of life that is still suffering
and dieing in mere slow and tortuous survival of the fittest mode, I
can tell you, I plan on jumping in as fast as is possible and more or
less giving them anything they want that we can possibly manage to
give, to bring them at least up to our level. I hope there is no need
for all this suffering and that I will eternally do all I can to
eliminate it all for every sentient being as soon as is possible.

                Brent Allsop

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