Re: Mars: "Rogue" memes and the laughter curtain

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Jul 22 1999 - 11:07:46 MDT

> (Lee Crocker, apparently recognized as one of the most rational
> posters, accused me of _making up_ SPSR...

I have no problem with people accusing me of being a pompous
ass (I often am), but this is simply 100% false. I made no such
accusation. Indeed, not one word of anything I have written
accused Mr. Tonnies of anything but gullibility. If Mr. Tonnies
has taken my commentaries about crackpots personally, then perhaps
I have not been clear enough in my language. I explained my
purposes for doing so, and already pointed out that he was not
personally the object of my ridicule. I ridicule ideas, not
people. If I wanted to accuse someone of something, everyone on
this list knows me well enough to know that I wouldn't be vague
about it--I'd say it plainly.

For the record, I think Mr. Tonnies is merely advocating research
on a subject he sincerely believes has merit. I never said anything
more or less than that about him. I not only disagree that the
subject has merit, I think many /other/ people with less sincerity
and more dubious motives created the whole mess, and I pointed to
some signs of their deception. I do /not/ think Mr. Tonnies is one
of these people; I merely think he gives them more credibility than
is justified by the facts.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
"All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified
for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or notification."--LDC

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