Future Elevators was Re: Question?

From: Brian D Williams (talon57@well.com)
Date: Wed Jul 21 1999 - 07:51:06 MDT

From: Ron Kean <ronkean@juno.com>

>Express elevators could be set up like a conveyor belt, with an
>'up' shaft next to a 'down' shaft. That would require sideways
>car transfer from shaft to shaft at the top and bottom. The
>shafts would be filled with as many cars as there are express

There was a Scientific American article awhile back on "Future
Elevators" or somesuch that featured a system with multiple cars
per shaft,they also showed work in progress by Otis on a system
that could travel both vertically and horizontally ala a startrek

Here in Chicago there is a building that has stacked elevator cars
(one above the other) that serve even/odd floors simultaneously,
the main floor is actually two levels......pretty neat solution.

Member, Extropy Institute
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Ameritech Data Center
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