Re. Planetary SETI

Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 18:00:21 MDT

>>The processed images of the Face have produced a wealth of evidence
>>consistent with artificiality, though the controversy is far from over.
>ROTFLMAO... I'm not even going to touch this one.

While I have no clue what "ROTFLMAO" stands for ("rolling on the
floor"-something, I guess), I really don't get why this is an "untouchable."
No one with common sense is saying there are unquestionably alien artifacts
on Mars. But the possibility is there, and we have the means to _test_ the
Intelligence Hypothesis in the very near future, using proven hardware.

I simply don't see why a group who can digest concepts such as brain
downloading and superintelligences can't admit the possibility of some
anomalous formations on a neighboring planet. There's really nothing to lose
with this one. But, as is usual with this subject, it's being interpreted as
an emotional issue...and in the meantime, evidence is ignored.

Mac Tonnies

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