Re: Converting scientists into transhumanists (was Re: seti@home ...)

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Jul 09 1999 - 17:29:32 MDT

> I really don't think we should strike at SETI. For one thing, it's a
> perfectly legitimate endeavor, even if they're doing it for different
> reasons. For another thing, perhaps, say, the New Agers are more our
> natural enemies than people who don't measure up to Singularitarian
> standards in every possible respect.

I find it kind of ironic that any "singularitarian" would ridicule
SETI; it's precisely the same kind of total speculation. Sure, it
seems like common sense that exponential progress will continue as
it has, and that there's nothing special about meat-minds that can't
be done with metal-minds; just as it seems like common sense that
we shouldn't be unique in the universe, and that aliens will share
with us some basic ideas of math and physics and communication. I
firmly believe all of those myself (or at least most of them).

But there's really no solid evidence for any of those things. I'm
glad there are people willing to invest time and money searching
for things they may never find; some of them get lucky and benefit
us all. But let's be honest: the only reason to do such a thing
is romance, not rationality. We shouldn't begrudge others their
own esthetics.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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