E-prime (was Hyper Cognitive Selectivity)

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (lcrocker@mercury.colossus.net)
Date: Wed Jul 07 1999 - 18:04:20 MDT

> What do you think about the is of gerund, as in "he is walking"?
> How about the is of passivity? "The door was closed"?
> I've used e-prime for a while myself, but it seems a bit of an
> unnecessary hassle in at least the first case.
> Thoughts?

Not only are some uses of "be" perfectly clear and precise,
but it's possible to be as murky and deceptive in E-prime
as it is in plain English. It's an interesting observation
that most uses of "be" in English obscure more than enlighten,
and I often use that fact to tighten my prose by searching
for them. But that's all it is--an interesting observation.
To elevate that to the status of a new language, or to rely
on a gimmick in place of real analysis, or to mangle prose
to avoid "be" without good reason are all counterproductive.

ObLojbanPlug: Can't let a good language thread go by without
a plug for my own pet subject: <http://www.lojban.org>.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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