Re: Exo-Singularity 101. (required)

From: Raymond G. Van De Walker (
Date: Sat Jun 12 1999 - 02:12:39 MDT

It dates from a popular nonfiction book in the '70s, "Future Shock"
by Alvin Toffler, who based it on non-fictional library research.

Some of the trend-lines inflected in the '80s, sparing us from a
singularity in the '90s. I'm still holding out to see of the S-curve
will flatten, or we'll get another rise.

My guess is that it will rise again, the the internet has the effect of
amplifying human intelligence.

It' s so not-news that older scientists don't care. Younger scientists
don't read old books.

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999 22:26:04 EDT writes:
>Just curious as to how far this notion has caught on in classical
>circles. (astronomy, evolutionary biology, seti)
>When will "The Singularity Cometh" be an article on 60 Minutes?

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