To be stylish or not to be stylish, that is the flamewarrior's question

From: Jeff Davis (
Date: Sat Jun 05 1999 - 00:05:13 MDT

Fellow Vexedtropians,

Per Emlyn's suggestion:

>Try to get creative if you need to insult people.
>I think if people's personal attacks on each other could make people laugh
until it hurt, no-one
>would be quite so cranky about the whole flamewar problem, because it
wouldn't be so boring.
>The key is probably to drop all pretense at rational debate, and just get
down to some good old
>character assassination. But its got to be stylish!

To which end I submit the following:

To construct a Shakespearean insult, combine one word from each of the
three columns below
and preface it with "Thou":


| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |


| artless | base-court | apple-john |

| bawdy | bat-fowling | baggage |

| beslubbering | beef-witted | barnacle |

| bootless | beetle-headed | bladder |

| churlish | boil-brained | boar-pig |

| cockered | clapper-clawed | bugbear |

| clouted | clay-brained | bum-bailey |

| craven | common-kissing | canker-blossom |

| currish | crook-pated | clack-dish |

| dankish | dismal-dreaming | clotpole |

| paunchy | ill-breeding | lout |

| pribbling | ill-nurtured | maggot-pie |

| puking | knotty-pated | malt-worm |

| puny | milk-livered | mammet |

| qualling | motley-minded | measle |

| rank | onion-eyed | minnow |

| reeky | plume-plucked | miscreant |

| spongy | rude-growing | pignut |

| surly | rump-fed | puttock |

| tottering | shard-borne | pumpion |

| unmuzzled | sheep-biting | ratsbane |

| vain | spur-galled | scut


| venomed | swag-bellied | skainsmate |

| villainous | tardy-gaited | strumpet |

| warped | tickle-brained | varlet |

| wayward | toad-spotted | vassal |

| weedy | unchin-snouted | whey-face |

| yeasty | weather-bitten | wagtail |

So have at it, thou villianous fardel-humped curmudgeons thou.
                        Best, Jeff Davis

           "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
                                        Ray Charles

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