Re: CFS - often caused by eating too little fat

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Jun 02 1999 - 15:44:43 MDT

>> (Now does anyone know what I'm getting into with "Adapton," and does it
>> _really_ work for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?)
> [Anecdote about CFS and fat consumption]

Though most doctors now take CFS more seriously than in the past
(even CDC now recognizes it as a valid diagnosis), there is not
any evidence or consensus for a link to fat in the diet. It is
probably a bad idea to spread that rumor, as it may encourage
someone to increase their fat intake and risk heart disease.
It's probably not as bad, though, as recommending latest snake
oil peddled by the local drug pusher (i.e. "health food store").
A good place for up-to-date, understandable and responsible
medical advice is <>.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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