subject line discipline

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Mon May 31 1999 - 17:16:18 MDT

> Spike Jones writes: If we have discipline
> > with the subject line, all posts should be allowed. spike
> Eugene Leitl wrote: I disagree. The people who post excessively are exactly
> those who
> don't maintain subject line discipline. And why should the workload of
> filtering be shifted to the _readers_?

This is a tough problem, one which is nearly identical to a previous
experience on this list. We could cut and paste a three week section
of the archives from last fall, and no one would notice.

Elizabeth's party analogy is good in that the amount of time I have to
read extropians varies daily. Some days I need to delete everything
unread, other days I have time to read even some of the gun rants. {8^D

I wish I knew why that particular subject (guns) nukes this particular list.
The best I can suggest is to repeatedly ask politely, everyone use
subject line discipline, *especially* when talking about tired old
topics. And, newbies, take a few hours to peruse the archives.

Question: does it cost the money to handle the heavy
message load when the gun virus hits? Is it charged per message? spike

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