Re: Guns at school

From: Chuck Kuecker (
Date: Mon May 31 1999 - 07:09:09 MDT

At 02:28 AM 5/31/99 EDT, EvMick wrote:

this was in reaction to a suburb of chicago banning guns totally.
>The chicago sub had a tremendous rise in crime..the town in georgia had a

Oh, yes - my old home town of Morton Grove. They had something like one
shooting in ten years. Oak Park followed suit, also banning private
ownership of nuclear devices, even such inoffensive things like breeder
reactors and power plants. They have signs on the city limits declaring Oak
Park a 'nuclear free' zone - got to wonder if that includes radiation
therapy and food sterilization.

So far, I have not witnessed any reports of gross increases in crime in
either city, but Oak Park borders on the west side of Chicago, which is not
the safest place in the world. Perhaps the media does not want to point out
the downside of the laws...

Chuck Kuecker

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