Re: Nanotech Scenarios

From: Gina Miller (
Date: Sun May 30 1999 - 13:12:25 MDT

My responses are within the text of your questions:

Chandra wrote:

>How will the announcement of the development of a fully functional
>assembler affect the world? What about the impact over time? For example,
>if MNT represents the year an assembler is developed what will the world be
>like at MNT+1, MNT+10, MNT+100? I know this is all speculative but it seems
>to me that we should be able to make some intelligent speculations about
>such a future.

I respond:
It's plausable that some groups will not support nanotechnology. Just as in
the current real time, we have examples of resistance towards advanced
technologies. This angle usually lies within ethics and morality. However,
eventually I forsee most people will own a microwave sized assembler in
their home, for family food distribution etc. Much like the t.v. and cars
evolved into most housholds.

You wrote:
>Will the widespread hype begin before or after the development of an
>Assembler? Will the public be informed about the capabilities of an
>Assembler prior to its development or only afterwards?

I respond:
As you are well aware, the public is not well informed about this issue as
it is. Depending on how policy will work alongside of nano's progress will
effect these public information questions. Most likely, the mainstream will
see nanotech products as the evolve and not before. They will read about
some neat new nano gadget in the news and utilize it, still unaware of the
eventual possibilities until they arrive.

Chandra wrote:
>Who has the best chance of developing the first Assembler? the U.S.
>government? another government? coalitions? corporations? conglomerates?
>nanotech Galileo tinkering in vis lab?

I repond:
Good question, one without a real answer. We would like to assume it would
be some safe measure area.(and here in the states) Other countries are also
working on this development. And there also is the reality that some
teeenage Joe Blow with some equiptment in his basement could twidle around
some nanobots, go to bed, and the next morning the stuff is climbing over
the backyard fence, creeping into your house! Right now, Universities are
making progress (ei. Nadrian Seeman at NYU). The government has a lot of
funding going out to these type of institutions, but their goal is on a
smaller product nano, or weapons.
>How will the nature of the first developer affect how events progress in
>MNT+x era? Will it matter who the first developer is because governments
>will seize the technology?

This is important, how will we regulate nanotechnology?Do we want the
government to come in and decide it's no good? (I don't) Do want to set up
our own guidlines or use some predesignated group? Will the government just
snatch it up anyways, or will it be to late for them to by the time it's
full blown?

Chandra wrote:
>Will the financial markets act similar to Hanson's idea futures market and
>begin factoring in the eminent development of the Assembler into its
>valuations? This assumes that the finance types identify what affects such
>an event would have on valuations.>What will the economic impact be? Will
pre-MNT capital lose all its value? What will be the commodity of the
post-MNT era? The most obvious answer is
>'the ability to make Assemblers'. But what about creativity, Assembler
>software, Assembler software debugging software, easily mutable materials,
>heat dissipation technology, etc.?

I respond:
People have different ideas on the results of nanotech on our economy. Some
think cash flow will remain prevelant, be it for familiarity, gambling,
fun, or stable ownership deeds like land. (stuff that inspite of a drop of
financial interest will always be around and will still need some kind of
trade commodity) I personally, (although with things like future
predictions, one can be wrong!) think that money will become pretty
obsolete, maybe your Uncle Dick will save silver dollars as a hobby. But for
all general purposes, everything we need will be taken care of. (this
doesn't include the land issue-or how we will purchase these enduring
things, maybe a new system? Barter like our ancestors did) We will have our
own personal manufactures to meet our needs. As far as your question of
creativity, there may be those that seperate. (this is my theory some will
live the old way,-where cash may still flow-or some will happily adapt to
the new way) Some people will want to continue to work, for a sense of self
accomplishment, to curb boredom or for other reasons that people may not
accept these new ways. There will be all kinds of VR ways to feel creative,
and still yet the old make your own chair way too.

Chandra wrote:
>Should Assembler software be open source? Does it matter if Assembler
>software is efficient? What weight should be given to the 'crazy screw with
>a problem' factor where the screw decides to implement some "goo" scenario?
>What would be the motivation of a 'crazy screw' since many ailments that
>drive 'fanatics' will be remedied or have the potential to be remedied with

I respond:
All these questions are a matter of security. Assembler's will have to be
processed in a sealed lab,
someone cannot open the lab with out destroying the contents and no
assembler can escape from within. Software will be running from a large
nanoelectronic computer running advanced molecular simulations software.
Beyond the layers of wires (that carry power and signals), sensors(several
layers of these detectors), stressed diamond composite, thermal insulators,
microscope, electrical igniters, are surrounded by the actual sealed
assembler lab. The goal here is, that it is efficient.
For more on goo, go to:

Chandra wrote:
>What is the future of governments in the MNT+x era?
What platform is MNT/OS likely to be based upon?

I respond:
The structure will morph into a different state that I can predict.
And About OS (DNA sized) or see:

Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries
Alternate E-mail
"Nanotechnology: solutions for the future."

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